

威尼斯人注册 County Launches 威尼斯人注册 County Allied Health Program at RCSJ


Deptford傻的. ——6月21日, 威尼斯人注册县委员会, in collaboration with Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) and the 威尼斯人注册 County Workforce Development Board, celebrated the launch of a new program designed to provide a free education to aspiring Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), while ensuring that seniors residing in 威尼斯人注册 County's nursing homes receive the highest level of care for years to come. 

“The 威尼斯人注册 County Board of Commissioners are pleased to partner with Rowan College of South Jersey and the 威尼斯人注册 County Workforce Development Board to deliver qualified Certified Nursing Assistants and Licensed Practical Nurses in an area that suffers from labor shortages,弗兰克说。. DiMarco,局长. “By taking the bold step to offer no-cost training programs for aides and steep tuition discounts for applicable nursing students with direct employment opportunities is a game changer for the nursing home industry."

Healthcare support occupations are the third most in-demand occupational sector in 威尼斯人注册 County, 1,仅CNAs就有364个县内职位空缺, 根据新泽西州劳工部的数据. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates demand within the occupation will continue to grow, 到2030年,CNA职位空缺将增加29%.

“我们正在满足对县立设施的特殊需求, 但实际情况远不止于此,希瑟·西蒙斯说, 专员副处长. “We are working to ensure that the people of our communities are prepared to go on to careers that are satisfying and rewarding. 我们希望他们留在我们的社区. 我们希望他们做得好,我们也希望我们的雇主兴旺发达."

从今年九月开始, RCSJ will run daytime and evening CNA cohort trainings out of the new 威尼斯人注册 County Allied Health Center at no cost to eligible participants. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates must pass the N.J. Department of Health's CNA exam to obtain certification prior to employment.

RCSJ's CNA program includes 50-hours of in-classroom education and 40-hours of on-site clinical experience; the program can be completed in 8-9 weeks. 学生们学习基本的护理技能,包括监测生命体征, 控制感染, 转移, 给病人喂食和海姆利克急救法. 沟通技巧, 人体力学, 床上做, 养生保健, 以及临终病人的护理都是其中的主题.

The free tuition program will also be available to those interested in a career as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). 下一个LPN队列将于2024年5月开始. Information sessions for this selective admissions program begin in September 2023 and training will take place on the 坎伯兰 campus in Vineland.

“我们是一所以服务社区为基础的大学. 它存在于我们的DNA中. 弗雷德里克·基廷,RCSJ主席. “We have this partnership with the County and Workforce Development, 我们有奖学金, the 社区 College Opportunity Grant – if members of our community want an education and a promising career, 我们可以解决钱的问题. We just need people with the heart and soul to enter the arena of geriatric healthcare at a time of great need."

Participants in the 威尼斯人注册 County Allied Health program must possess a high school diploma or equivalency, 完成在线“HIPPA入门”课程, 接受犯罪背景调查和指纹采集, 并及时接受疾病预防控制中心推荐的所有免疫接种. 威尼斯人注册县的居民将优先考虑.

"The 威尼斯人注册 County Workforce Development Board is proud to be a partner in this innovative industry initiative,米歇尔·雪莉评论道, 负责劳动力创新的副总裁. “WIOA training funds will be used in a strategic manner that supports industry-driven training to equip a diverse pool of individuals with the necessary credentials they need to succeed."

祝贺项目顺利完成, graduates who earn their state licensure will be eligible for open positions in care facilities throughout 威尼斯人注册 County. Vacancy preference will be given to the 威尼斯人注册 County Shady Lane Nursing 首页 – a 60-bed, 克拉克斯伯勒的长期护理机构, N.J. that has been a part of 威尼斯人注册 Country's tradition since the 1800s. 荫巷提供全日制课程, 兼职和按日调度选项, with a starting salary of $21 per hour for CNAs and $33 per hour for LPNs.

“我们县正在投资于职业发展,让人们接受教育, but also taking care of residents that need it at a very unique time in their lives,吉姆·杰斐逊说, 专员与公共服务部联络. “家庭需要Shady Lane提供的照顾. There's so much good that goes on there and I believe we're taking a top-notch facility and making it even better."

For more information on earning your CNA or LPN certificate for free through the 威尼斯人注册 County Allied Health Program, 访问 RCSJ.edu/GCHealth. ​

威尼斯人注册; 坎伯兰